I guess some of us knew it was coming, but even the best planning never prepares you for the loss of a loved one, and we all loved Dale Thisted who left us early this week.
Dale will never be forgotten by the 475th and its members, he was instrumental in the formation and continuation of the 475th and has certainly left his footprint behind for us to follow. As you all know we have launched a new project in an effort to find and identify second and third generation family members and Dale was involved and influential in our effort. Dale also had a terrific sense of humor and if you want to see that humor, click here to see Dale and PJ signing By New Guinea Waterfall at the last reunion.
Some men are known for their successes, other for their heart, but few are known for their ability to accomplish great feats and their willingness to go out of their way on behalf of other people. Dale was just that man and he will be sorely missed by his family, his friends and everyone associated with the 475th Historical Foundation.
Chris Madison and Brad Ball