Combat Tactics in the SouthWest Pacific Area
By Major Thomas B. McGuire, Jr.. Published and Distributed by Asst. of S, A-3, V Fighter Command, 4 May 1944. REPUBLISHED BY FEAF A-3 TRAINING, SECTION 20, Oct. 1944 FOREWORD When one considers just what he should say to a new sport who is reporting in to an operational fighter Group, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of information it is necessary for the new sport to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in a few lectures. Rarely has complexity been reduced...
WWII veteran soars the skies one last time
Sep. 03, 2017 - 2:11 - 91-year-old Navy and Air Force pilot gets to fly again Watch the latest video at
Pilot killed after two Taiwan air force training jets collide mid-air
The accident occurred shortly after the AT-3 training jet, code number 0815, of the air force aerobatic team “Thunder Tigers,” took off from Gangshan air force base in Kaohsiung with another AT-3 training jet from the same team at 11:10am, an air force officer said. Read More
Almost Catastrophic
Gooney flying in 1747By Retired USAF LT. COL.Robert H. Drumm, EAA 30946 From "Almost Catastrophic": "In the rain and darkeness we lost all electrical power. All of a sudden the ciruit breaker panel started to smoke, and we noticed a small flame. Plots who have experience flying at night on instruments with no lights on the panel ask the crew chief to flash the flashlight on the panel to make it glow. Our crew chief did just that and then continued to fight the enlarging fire with the fire extinguisher." Download the Full Article
The Illuminated Manuscripts of Henry Toll ’42 Allen D. Boyer
from the author: I have published an article on art done by Henry Toll of the 432nd Fighter Squadron, and am interested in getting it circulated to members of the 475th FG and Foundation. While doing research in the Air Force archive at Maxwell AFB, I ran across a series of odd, beautiful unit records: monthly Group History covers and records that Lt Toll had painted, maps that he had drawn for unit reports, the squadron insignia that he submitted (winning the contest). Before the war, Toll was a cartoonist at Princeton, where he drew the version of the Princeton...