“It wasn’t supposed to have been that way, and Tommy McGuire knew it. The plan had been for the 475th Fighter Group to have moved north at the same time as the 49th-with McGuire’s 431st Hades Fighter Squadron leading the way-but in wartime things often don’t work out according to plan. While Tacloban was able to start receiving the 49th sooner than expected, the 475th was scheduled to go into the Dulag, about ten miles to the south, but it remained a muddy mess longer than expected. Indeed, several aircraft trying to use Dulag as an emergency landing site had wrecked.”
– Excerpt from: Aces High: The Heroic Saga of the Two Top-Scoring American Aces of World War II, by Bill Yenne
Major Verle E. Jett
Major Thomas B. McGuire Jr.(KIA)
Capt. Robert F. Cline
Major John H. Vogel
Capt. Edwin R. Weaver
Jack B Rittmayer (KIA)
David W. Allen
Donno C. Bellows
Harry W. Brown
Eugene S. Ciolek
Frederic F. Champlin
Norris J. Clark
William C. Gronemeyer (MIA)
Kenneth F. Hart
Robert L Herman
John J. Hood
Carl H. Houseworth
Marion F. Kirby
Jack C. Mankin
Thomas E. Martin
Franklin H. Monk
Paul V. Morriss
William S. Obrien (MIA)
John Pietz Jr.
Horace B. Reeves
Harry A. Setzer
Malcolm E. Switner
John R. Ballard
Cyprus C Barter
Foch J. Benevent
Sanford H Benjamin
James F. Box
Robert G. Casey
John A. Cohn
Lloyd W. Crabtree
Robert L. Crosswait (MIA)
Edward J. Czarnecki
William W. Dallas
Dulphus R. Dawson
Louis D. DuMontier
Franklin W. Ekdahl
Vincent T. Elliot
Arthur L. Erickson
Herbert S. Finney (KIA)
Samuel A. Fossaceca
Floyd H. Fulkerson Jr. (MIA)
Owen N. Giertson
Robert G. Haley
Robert A. Hall
Christopher J. Herman
Harold E. Holze
David B. Hutchins
Edwin B. Jackson
Alvin R. Kidd
Lowell C. Lutton (MIA)
Stanley R. Marks
Howard N. Max
Allen C. Mayer
Alvin R. Neal
John R O’rourke
Jack F. Olson
Thomas M. Oxford
Edward C. Palmer Jr.
Chester C. Parshall
Merle D. Pearson
Chester D. Phillips (MIA)
Enrique Provencio (MIA)
Robert R. Riegle
Richard E. Roark
Charles R. Samms
Walter N. Scott
George W. Smith Jr (KIA)
Paul Smith (MIA)
George F. Stephens
Robert W. Stern
Douglas S. Thropp Jr.
John A. Tilley
Erling J. Varland (KIA)
George M Veit
Robert K. Weary
Arthur E. Wenige
Robert A Werner
L.W. Wertzbaugher
Frank N. Woodruff
Herman W. Zehring
James H. Barnes
Orville Blythe
Edward N. Carley (KIA)
Wood D. Clodfelter (KIA)
Warren J Cortner
Robert P. Donald (KIA)
Andrew K. Duke (KIA)
Ronald P. Dunlap
John J. Durkin
Harold W. Gray
Martin P. Hawthorne (KIA)
Edward J. Hedrick (MIA)
James E. Hood
Robert E. Hunt
Bascom S Jones
MacLeod Jones (MIA)
John B Knox (MIA)
Robert A. Koeck (KIA)
Nathaniel V. Landen (KIA)
Edward J. Leidenbert
Lloyd C. Lentz
Claude M Loe Jr.
Frank F. Long
Milton A. MacDonald (MIA)
Harold N. Madison
Robert A Mavity
Donald F. McBreen
James A. Moreing
Edward J. O’Neill
Mortimer Olster
Roger A. Pare
Robert B. Patterson (KIA)
Ormond E. Powell (MIA)
Kenneth M. Richardson (MIA)
Joseph A. Robertson (KIA)
Alvin C. Roth (KIA)
Ralph E. Schmidt (MIA)
Arthur J. Schmitt (MIA)
Robert J. Smith (MIA)
William C. Smith
Joseph E. Tedford
John R. Weldon (MIA)
Thomas W. Turner
Harlan M. Aston
Harry A. Dixon
George M. Akin
Glen H Cleveland
Alfred G Fitzgerald
Charley P. Ford
Bruno M Genarlsky Jr.
Edwin F. Gillum
J. Hoffstatter
Leland F. Howerton
Howell A. Hudson
Joseph Kmiec
Raymond J. Lackie
Clemens Lewicki
A. H. Lun
Joseph R. Malin
Fred B. Mitchell Jr.
Stanley Piszkin
Roland C. Rock
Preston W. Rogers
Steve Stanich
Vincent F. Straus
Claude Venters
Claud E. Wheeler
Gwynne W. White
Herman O. Wilke
William G. Wilson
Woodrow F. Anderson
Robert H. Applewhite
Milton B. Back
Raymond Baird
William C. Ball
J. D. Barrow
James Ccr. Bell
Richard M Binder
Burton L. Bishop
John Bistronish
James C. Brice
John E Brock
James F. Brown
Michael P Campbell
Edgar H. Childs
Edward P Clark
George D Collins
Walter Collins
Lawrence E Colson
Charles W Corbin
Spencer F Cram
Tom W Crumpler
Anthony Di Rocco
Charles E Edgley
Kiah Evans
Charles R Fitzwater
Harry H. Francis
Joseph A Gallant
Everett W Gray
George J. Hass
Edward R Hall
William H Hall
Nevin H Hazel
Eddie Henson
Curtis H Hobbs
Lawrence W Holland
George Hramika Jr.
James L. Jackson
George E. Jeschke
Victor C. Johnson
William D Kempter
Carl A King
Frank Z. Kish
Joseph M. Kropp
Thaddeus J. Lemanski
Earl R Lowry
William V. Lowry
James Magill
Knight H. Morton
Samuel T. Moses
Hugh F. Mott
Douglas W. Nash
James C. Naughton
Robert R. O’neil
John J. Posephney
Juke W. Powell
Jeffrey R. Robertson
Marvin O Rose
Marshall B. Russell
James E. Skaggs
James W. Spitler
John L. Stanley
Yancy Q. Stephens
Henry G. Stroud
Hallie Van meter
Daniel H. Wagner
George E. West
Jack E. Wilding
Hugh Alsup
Malcolm E Anderson
Harry E Arthur
John R Asher
John J Balchik
Walter F. Battle Jr.
Michael Bauman
Arthur F. Bayley Jr.
William D. Bean
James C. Boal
Charles H. Brumfield
Anthony T. Caloyern
Nicholas H Campese
Sam A. Castellano
Thomas J. Cherro
Noel Coet
Homer F. Cole
George W. Coons
Dominic L. Desocio
Homer H. Downard
Henry J Dudziec
Arthur W. Edholm
Edwin R. Farewell
Robert Fenstermacher
Bernard J Ferber
Roy R. Foresee
Curtis D. Gardner
Darell G Gerot
Orph J. Gilbert
Charles E. Gordon
Max E. Green
Arthur Groder
James C. Guttry
George Halko
Homer H. Hanna
GeorgeF. Harrell
Eugene Hartmann
Fred P. Harvey
Robert E. Hayes
Thomas F. Himm
Elmer T. Hines
Clyde L Holmes
Noel E. Hughes
Henry G Irvine
Roger D. Irvine
Leo C. Kelly
Daniel F. Leary
John C. Leland
Raymond C. Leuning
William C. Long
Edward V. Lownsdale
Stanley D. Mates
Clarence W. McKelvey
John L. Miles
Charles H. Mock
Alvin M. Neal
Frederick S. Nielson
Earl J O’Neill
Baxter M. Phillips
Seymour V. Prell
Roy E. Reinhardt
DeWitt Roberts
Joseph R Rottmund
Thomas W. Rudd
Bernard Ruskin
Frederick R. Ryskamp
William E. Saber
William L. Schlotterbeck
Donald J. Siebert
James A. Smith
Marvin E. Smith
Von D. Spahr Jr.
Harry R. Swartz
William H Taff
Joe B Thornton
William J Tocneri
Gustav Wachholtz
Newton E. Walker
Edward H. Wittschack
Walter C. Wright Jr.
Charles W. Young
Patrick Antropic
Roy R. Armentrout
Francis P. Aye
James O. Ayers
Richard N. Bacon
Calvert I. Bailey
Robert E. Bassett
William Benjamin Jr.
Melvin S. Black
Vincent H Bohlman
Edward Boulton
Bayse B. Bourne
Kenneth L Brayton
Jacob Brody
Charlie A. Brown
James J. Buncher
Wasco Bungo
Wallace W. Campbell
Carl J Capasso
Frank B. Cernese
Patrick T. Conway
Harold R Cook
Robert M. Cosbie
Jesse F. Daniell
Ray H. Davids
Noel D. Davis
Walter H. Dean
Alfred Demeo
Russell C. Dodge Jr.
Frank B Dulin
Gerald W. Emerson
Leroy E. Erwin
Gharles L. Estes
Elwood W. Forbis
Primo A Framarin
Hyman Furra
Hanley Gray
Don J Horbour
John F Harris
Oliver C High
Robert L Hinton
Joe A Houk
Floyd W Johnson
Marion A. Johnson
Joe M. Jones
Joseph Jusko
Ray A. Kees
Frank Kennison
Louis N Leatham
Leroy C. Lewis
George H Liebig
James C. Linard
Stanley J Lubiak
George W. Martin
Ira H. Martin
Wilbur J. McKague
William H. Meyer
Francis B. Moran
Edward O. Moravec
Frank W. Morawski
Gladstone B. Mortimer
Thomas A. O’connel
James C. Ott
John Ovlasuk
Joseph A Paianca
Thomroseas R. Peak
Cerls G Pelekoudas
Nicklos Petroski
James B. Phillips
Milton Post
Pershing J. Prince
Roy F. Raines
Robert W. Rawdin
James D. Ray
Joseph Reveruzzi
Carlos Rails
Jack Robinson
Charles W. Saunders
Frank Scardilli
Vernon M Schiake
Walter J. Schmidt
Celio O Seamans
Milo Snellgrove
Eugene A Snipes
Robert C. Snyder
John F. Sobaia
Ralph E Spooner
Henry Strecker
Robert L. Struble
Charles A. Suggs
Rodney V. Thompson
Charles A. Trapp
Richard F. Vandergeest
Richard A. Walkup
Arthur L. Whiteley
Roland F. Whitney
James L. Wilson
John B. Wonderly
Howard R. Woods
Romeo J. Allard
Allen D. Bargman
William H. Beake Jr.
Robert E. Binning
Billy N Brayfield
Alfred L Breault
Charles R. Campbell
Marco A Carefeno
George F Clark
Stanley R Colberg
Urban A Colvin
William B Cooper
Kermit O Dakken
Calvin H Duggin
Paul L Dulaney
Clyde W Evans
Carl L Foulk
Albert E Henderson Jr
Smead E Hendrick
Gerald B Hicks
Edward J Johnson
Robert F Johnson
Richard J Jordan
Jack D Knott
Ralph D Knott
Ralph C Lees Jr
William S Lobberton
Tony Masterfrancisco
J. Meek
Zane B Milton
John B Moore
Erle W Nelson
Ignatius J Panepinto
Richard K Parsons
Edward H Pierson
Menze Postma
Waldo M. Quarles
William J. Regan
Billy J Ricks
Alexander Ritchie
Francis J Robinson
Herbert M Rose
Thomas J Sellmer
John J Sheehan
Ambrose W. Snyder
Samuel Soptelean Jr.
Elbert W. Steger
Guy J Stokes
Harry A. Sullivan
Alfred Taylor
Ira P Todd
Herbert A Victor
Jack B Walden
Jack M. Waldhelm
Christopher Whaley Jr.
Allen O. Wofford
Elmer E. Wright Jr.
Fred Yennie Jr.
Warner E. Calvert
Daniell F. Clancy
Alvin E. Compton
Robert L. Cronk
Gerald G. Fink
James J Gormley
William C. Herring
Troy L. Keeling
Walter L. Lok
James Meharg
Joseph J. Meyers
George F. Newlove
Charles J. Offner
William Papas
Stanley P. Przybysiski
Joseph R. Rice
Albin J. Roginski
Thomas E. Sexton
John A. Simone
Lyle S. Sowers
Harold Stamler
David Stern
James F. Stuart
James J. Thyne
Richard C. Van Etten
B. Vausman
Charles E. Wiegand
Melvin J. Willett
Kenelm K. Winslow
Lee Roy Zahn
Albert H. Altman
Joseph F. Batteer
William F. Bucke Jr
Wilbur V. Dapore
John D. Davis
Frank De Croce
Francis G. Garred
James J. Hickey
Robert L. Kurtze
Eddie M. Miller
Joseph C. Mohler
Jess W. Nelson
Roberto Reyes
Robert W. Rosencrans
Stanley Sauerstrom
John S. Shafara
William H. Sullivan Jr.