Harry Winston Brown was an Army Air Corps second lieutenant assigned to the 47th Pursuit Squadron at Wheeler Field on the island of Oahu during the Japanese attack on December 7, 1941.
Thomas Simms has bailed out for the last time, 77 years after being shot down in New Guinea. What a full life he had, especially compared to his fellow 475th members who never returned from the war. 2 wives, 3 children , 6 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. He had the “biggest grin” in High School and a sense of humor that never quit. He will be missed.
Simms, Thomas J., Sr.CraigE2021-04-26T21:46:00+00:00
Once Pearl Harbor was attacked he enlisted in the Army Corps and always felt he was “just doing his job.” He graduated from pilot training and was commissioned 2nd Lt. on October 1, 1943. He flew a P-38 in the 432nd Squadron of the famed 475th fighter group from 1943-1945 in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. He had 131 combat missions and flew 452 combat hours.
I guess some of us knew it was coming, but even the best planning never prepares you for the loss of a loved one, and we all loved Dale Thisted who left us early this week.